
Understanding Dog Panting and Shaking: Causes and What to Do

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Panting and shaking are common behaviors in dogs, but when these actions become frequent or severe, they can be concerning. As a responsible pet owner, it’s important to understand the underlying causes of these symptoms and know how to address them. This blog post will explore why dogs pant and shake, and provide guidance on when to seek veterinary care.

Why Do Dogs Pant?

Panting is a natural behavior in dogs and serves several important functions:

1. Cooling Down

Dogs don’t sweat like humans do. Instead, they regulate their body temperature through panting. When a dog is hot or has been exercising, panting helps to cool them down by increasing airflow over the tongue and respiratory tract.

2. Excitement or Anxiety

Panting can also occur when a dog is excited or anxious. For example, dogs often pant when they’re about to go for a walk, meet new people, or experience changes in their environment. This type of panting is usually accompanied by other signs of excitement or stress.

3. Pain or Discomfort

If a dog is in pain or discomfort, they might pant excessively. This can be due to an injury, illness, or internal pain. Panting in these situations is often more intense and persistent compared to normal panting.

Why Do Dogs Shake?

Shaking or trembling is another behavior that can have multiple causes:

1. Cold or Wet Conditions

Dogs may shake if they’re cold or wet. Similar to humans, they might shiver to generate warmth when they’re uncomfortable or exposed to chilly temperatures.

2. Fear or Anxiety

Shaking can be a sign of fear or anxiety. Situations like thunderstorms, fireworks, or separation from their owner can trigger this response. Dogs may tremble as a way to cope with their stress.

3. Illness or Pain

Shaking might also indicate an underlying health issue. Conditions like nausea, fever, or neurological problems can cause trembling. If the shaking is accompanied by other symptoms like lethargy, vomiting, or changes in appetite, it’s important to consult a vet.

When to Be Concerned

While occasional panting and shaking are usually normal, there are times when these behaviors warrant a closer look:

1. Excessive Panting or Shaking

If your dog’s panting or shaking is excessive, persistent, or occurs without a clear reason, it could be a sign of an underlying health issue. Conditions like respiratory problems, heart disease, or poisoning can cause these symptoms.

2. Accompanied by Other Symptoms

If your dog’s panting or shaking is accompanied by other concerning signs such as lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, or unusual behavior, seek veterinary care immediately. These could be indicators of a more serious condition.

3. Changes in Behavior

Any sudden or dramatic change in your dog’s behavior, including increased panting or shaking, should be evaluated by a veterinarian. Behavioral changes can often be linked to health problems that need professional attention.

Why Pet Parents Might Choose CBD for Shaking and Panting

In recent years, many pet owners have turned to CBD (Cannabidiol) as a natural remedy to help manage their dogs’ symptoms, including excessive shaking and panting. Here’s why CBD might be considered:

1. Calming Effects

CBD is known for its calming properties, which can be beneficial for dogs experiencing anxiety or stress-related panting and shaking. By interacting with the endocannabinoid system, CBD helps regulate mood and stress levels, promoting a sense of relaxation.

2. Pain Relief

If a dog’s shaking or panting is due to pain or discomfort, CBD can help provide relief. Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce pain and inflammation, which can alleviate the underlying causes of excessive panting and shaking.

3. Support for Nervous System Health

CBD has neuroprotective properties that may help manage conditions affecting the nervous system. For dogs with tremors or shaking due to neurological issues, CBD can support overall nervous system health and improve their quality of life.

4. Easy Administration

CBD is available in various forms, such as oils and chews, making it easy to incorporate into your dog’s routine. Products like Vitality Drops and Vitality Soft Chews are designed specifically for dogs, providing a convenient and effective way to deliver CBD.

What to Consider Before Using CBD

Before introducing CBD to your dog's routine, consider the following:

  • Consult Your Veterinarian: Always consult with your vet before starting any new treatment. They can help determine the appropriate level of CBD and ensure CBD is safe for your dog's specific health condition.
  • Choose Quality Products: Select high-quality CBD products specifically formulated for dogs like CBDingo to ensure safety and effectiveness. Look for products with third-party testing and transparent ingredient lists.
  • Monitor Your Dog's Response: Start with a low dose and observe your dog’s reaction. Adjust the dosage as needed based on their response and your vet’s recommendations.


Understanding the causes behind your dog’s panting and shaking is crucial for addressing their health needs. While these behaviors are often normal, persistent or severe symptoms should be evaluated by a veterinarian. CBD can be a helpful option for managing anxiety, pain, and nervous system health, providing a natural solution for some of the issues that cause excessive panting and shaking. By being informed and proactive, you can help your furry friend lead a more comfortable and happy life.

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